Chapter Outline


1. The Cession of the District of Matavai in the Island of Otaheité to Captain James Wilson, 16 March 1797

National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, 19 September 2018

Matavai Bay, 16 March 1797

12. A GIGANTIC IDOL, twelve feet high, covered with bark cloth, ornamented with black zigzag lines, brought from RAROTONGA, by the lamented Missionary, the Rev. JOHN WILLIAMS.

Avarua, 6 May 1827

23. Model of the S.S. John Williams

 Crystal Palace, London, 1895


2. The Revd. Mr Kicherer, Mary, John and Martha

Scots Church, London, 21 November 1803

13. All wrapped up in a piece of Tahitian cloth

Barmen, July 1832

24. Hall of New Learning

Anglo-Chinese College, Tsientsin, 1904

3. THE GIRAFFE, or CAMELOPARDALIS, Shot in the Griqua Country, South Africa, by Mr Campbell’s Party

Klaarwater, 31 July 1814

14. PARAMASATTEE, a wooden idol with iron spoons attached, (see “Missionary Magazine,” October, 1837.)

Caureavilly near Mandycadoo, November 1836


 Royal Agricultural Hall, London 1908

4. The Idol Gods of Otaheite

Parramatta, 31 October 1816

15. The Departure of the Camden, Missionary Ship

New London Bridge, 11 April 1838


New Bridge Street, London, 1914

5. PEHI (South America), an instrument of Obiah, or Incantation, very dreadful to the Negroes

Le Resouvenir, June 18189

16. Idol taken in the late war, from the chief temple at Chusan

Zhoushan, 5 July 1840


27. Homage to the British Museum

 Tokyo, 1932

6. Twenty-two models of ‘HINDOO DEITIES, Carved in wood, about a foot in height and painted

Calcutta, September 1819

 17. An exact model of a Bechuana house, made on the spot by Rev. R. Moffat

Mission House, Blomfield Street, 23 January 1843

28. Malagasy Buried Bible

Livingstone House, London 1948

7. Specimens of the principal kinds of native cloth, manufactured in the Sandwich Islands

Kealekekua Bay, 31 March 1822

18. A rare specimen of the boa contrictor and alligator in conflict. Presented by Rev. J. Ketley

Georgetown, 1849


Cook Islands, 1968

8. A Mantatese APRON

Dithakong, 26 June 1823

19. View of Antananarivo

Madagascar, 1856

30. TAAROA UPAO VAHU, from Rurutu, the supreme deity of Polynesia

London, 1973

9. DR MORRISON’S CHINESE AND ENGLISH DICTIONARY in five volumes, printed at Canton, at the expense of many thousand pounds by the Hon. East India Company

Queen Street Chapel, London, 13 May 1823

20. Album: Musée des missions évangéliques: Exposition universelle

 Paris, 1867

31. The Caffre Chiefs Examination Before the House of Commons Committee

 Kuruman, 1991

10. Two of the TUR RURSNA, called by Europeans boomerang, or returning throw-stick; one unusually angular

Bahtabah, 21 May 1825

21. Wooden Representation of the Spirits of Ancestors from Central Africa

Lake Tanganyika, 1877

32. Collecting Boxes,

 Singapore, 2012

11. THE VIRGIN MARY AND CHILD from Mysore, that belonged to two Native Roman Catholics, who embraced the Christian religion, and sent the same to the Missionary Society

Bangalore, 23 July 1825

22. Karo. Fish trap. Baited inside. Made from Loire palm.

Mouth of the Fly River, Domori 1894

33. Te Fare Iamanaha (Musée de Tahiti & des Îles)

Tahiti, 2023