Chapter Outline
23. Model of the S.S. John Williams Crystal Palace, London, 1895
24. Hall of New Learning Anglo-Chinese College, Tsientsin, 1904 |
3. THE GIRAFFE, or CAMELOPARDALIS, Shot in the Griqua Country, South Africa, by Mr Campbell’s Party |
25. MALU CEREMONIES (HERO WORSHIP) Royal Agricultural Hall, London 1908 |
26. WEAPONS BROUGHT FROM POLYNESIA New Bridge Street, London, 1914 |
5. PEHI (South America), an instrument of Obiah, or Incantation, very dreadful to the Negroes |
16. Idol taken in the late war, from the chief temple at Chusan
27. Homage to the British Museum Tokyo, 1932 |
6. Twenty-two models of ‘HINDOO DEITIES, Carved in wood, about a foot in height and painted |
17. An exact model of a Bechuana house, made on the spot by Rev. R. Moffat |
28. Malagasy Buried Bible Livingstone House, London 1948 |
7. Specimens of the principal kinds of native cloth, manufactured in the Sandwich Islands |
18. A rare specimen of the Boa Constrictor and Alligator in conflict. Presented by Rev. J. Ketley New Providence Chapel House, Georgetown, Demerara, 21 March 1849 |
30. TAAROA UPAO VAHU, from Rurutu, the supreme deity of Polynesia London, 1973 |
31. The Caffre Chiefs Examination Before the House of Commons Committee Kuruman, 1991 |
10. Two of the TUR RURSNA, called by Europeans boomerang, or returning throw-stick; one unusually angular |
21. Wooden Representation of the Spirits of Ancestors from Central Africa Lake Tanganyika, 1877 |
32. Collecting Boxes, Singapore, 2012 |
22. Karo. Fish trap. Baited inside. Made from Loire palm. Mouth of the Fly River, Domori 1894 |
33. Te Fare Iamanaha (Musée de Tahiti & des Îles) Tahiti, 2023 |